Saturday, January 25, 2020

Circular No 951

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 25 of January 2020 No. 951
Dear Friends,
Good to be able to keep you updated with some news and some of the old conversations.
I believe that these might inspire you to give me a line or two, to keep material flowing and improve the contents of the Circular.
I am a firm believer that writing on remembrances helps your mental sanity.
Can you make an effort and return my mailings to you with some thoughts your appraisal of the last Circular and comments on future articles and at the same time actualize your CV.
Date: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 05:46:08 -0700
30 October 08:16
29 October 19:37
29 October 09:32
This is a gigantic start if I must say, many thanks to Sir Ladislao Kertesz & Sir Don for keeping The Circular & Blog Alive, and of course you my dear brother Sir Kazim, for taking your time to put all this stuff in some sort of order Cheers Mis Amigos - Muchas Gracias, from every one of us, from The Abbey School, Mt. St.Benedict - Long Live Our Club - Cheers Glen.
29 October 04:43
Yes Terrence, a place we can post ourselves, and year by year.
I will try to create or incorporate it in our website in the future.
Right now, I am studying to do these sort of things.
It involves programming or coding on a larger scale as opposed to just the usual uploading by a webmaster.
I will create a Facebook like section to get the photos uploaded by the Boys as you suggested.
Thanks and appreciation for your many postings and photos my friend.
As this Mount Facebook Group Admin, it is always wonderful to see so much participation.
Thanks again to all who contribute.
As well as Glen and Neil and others.
Take care.
29 October 04:36
29 October 03:41
It would be nice to have an album, a pictorial history of the Abbey School:
Students, priests, brothers, teachers, scouts, individual sports, etc.
A tool so we can respectively post.
Better yet, just by year to year.
Hi, Gillian,
Good to hear from you, and to learn that you have help with Leary.
I have double checked and can confirm that Esmond has got every one of my notices concerning Ladislao’s Circulars, just as you do. 
I use the “esfran” address to send the notices to him. 
Ladislao no longer automatically sends copies of the Circulars to everyone by email. 
He maintains a list of persons who have contributed financially to him that he does send them to directly. 
For all the rest of us, he depends on me publishing them on the Blog and letting everyone access them for free that way.
By the way, I think you are doing brilliantly on the computer 
There are hundreds of Old Boys out there that know how to use Facebook and WhatsApp, but cannot spell two words in a row correctly. 
They try to type on their useless little Korean telephones, and don’t bother to go back and correct the errors they make, since it is more difficult with a telephone. 
I get very upset whenever I receive a message from any of them. 
By contrast, hearing from you is a delight!!
Leary & Gillian O'Connor <>
Hi Don,
it’s me again this time writing on behalf of my brother, Esmond Lange.
When I read the last of Ladislao’s circulars I noticed that someone mentioned that he had answered Esmond’s email but had never heard back from him or Esmond never received it.
I just checked with Esmond and he said that although he used to get the circulars from Ladislao but then they stopped, and he would be interested in receiving them again.
He gave me two addresses which I shall pass on to you. 
and the other one was
I have forwarded this to Ladislao so hope someone gets it!
I am not the best on computers as you have probably realised by now but keep trying and wonder if my 82-year old brain has any room for improvement!
I just wish that Leary could still enjoy reading the emails as he really used to enjoy everyone’s news except for the fact that there were few people of his age.
He is keeping well and enjoying life as best he can and right now Rory, number two son and his wife have taken him to the zoo so sure he is enjoying that!
Thanks for your help,
Gillian O’Connor
Esmond Lange
11:24 (15 minutes ago)
Hi Don,
Thanks for such a prompt response to my email which means my esfran email address works with yours but unfortunately I just got a rejection from Ladislao’s yahoo address even using my work email.
I will try again by copying him in on this using his gmail address which does not have problems with my server!
Regrettably I have not been receiving your blogs but hopefully that’s just because you did not previously have my email address.
I am of course interested in hearing any news of MSB OB as now that “old age” fast approaches it is great to reminisce and catch up on others with whom I have lost contact.
We have been living in Perth for about 30 years after a long career as an international nomad working in the oil industry.
Unfortunately, we don’t get back to the WI very often as it is a very long way to travel though we did spend a month visiting Antigua, a cruise from St Vincent down the Grenadines to Grenada and then on to Barbados and Trinidad.
Re Mikey Holding (WI cricket great from Jamaica); sorry but I thought you had been involved with the saga of WI cricket and the dysfunctional Presidency of Dave Cameron over recent years; Mikey and I have been friends for many years.
Warm regards and thanks for your help, especially with Gillian.
Esmond Lange
Mobile: 0414711082
Home: +61894579570
From: Esmond Lange <>
Date: Sunday, 19 January 2020 at 19:34
For some reason I seem to have dropped off your radar/mailing list as have not received anything for quite some time.
However, I have been sent the latest one by my brother in law Leary O’Connor and in it I see you (and maybe others) have a yahoo email address.
My server, which is US based, has an ongoing conflict with yahoo and therefore no emails transiting through yahoo are able to get through to me and me to them – they say they are working on solving it but I am not holding my breath!!
In the meantime, can you or anyone trying to get in touch with me please use my work email address which is the one I am using for this email.
Thanks, and very best regards and a Happy and Prosperous 2020
Esmond J. Lange
Managing Director
          Delivering measurable performance and results
m:           +61 414 711 082
a:            319 Riverton Drive, Shelley, WA  6148
From: <>
Date: Sunday, 19 January 2020 at 21:34
Hi, Esmond,
Good to hear from you.
Ladislao has not been sending the Circulars to all Old Boys for some years now.
He relies instead on me to send out the notices of the appearance of his Circulars on the Blog two or three times a month.
I send a notice to every Old Boy whose email address I have.
I hope you have been receiving them.
He does email the Circulars directly to several Old Boys who contribute to his financial expenses.
From: Esmond Lange <>
Sent: Sunday, 19 January 2020 08:06
Hi Don,
Can you reply if you get this email which I am sending using my personal email address and server…. I sent the following email to Ladislao after Gillian contacted me tonight – you will note I used my work email as my US server has an issue with Yahoo…..
Thanks very much for your assistance,
PS: I believe you and I may have a very good mutual friend, one Mikey Holding!!
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
20JL0048JLO, Jesus Lopez in Trinidad
57CC0081CCR, Christopher Crocker
65LK0637FBTFEGRP, unknown and Terrence Ferreira

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Circular No 950

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 18 of January 2020 No. 950
Dear Friends,
We have received news of aother New old Boy, Alex Tary, of the Hungarian gang.
I am sure he has interesting stories of his time, maybe Csaba Jakobszen can fill in?
From: Eric De Verteuil <>
Date: 10 Dec 05:22 (PST)
Have got an address for Peanuts == 10 Elm Avenue , Bayshore , Trinidad.
Hope to hear tomorrow re Raymond and Paul, both of whom are resident abroad.
Eric de Verteuil
Ladislao Kertesz wrote:
Dear Friend,
I am looking for David (peanuts), Paul, Raymond and Roger, who went to the Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, about three or four decades ago.
Can you help??
God Bless
Ladislao Kertesz, Class 1960
From: Eric De Verteuil <>
Date: 8 Dec 01:25 (PST)
Got your email and should be able to provide you with the addresses.
Give me a couple days.
Eric de Verteuil
(Please Eric, send in your dues, I am missing your lines, ed.)
Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 12:22
Great, Nigel.
I think Ladislao is missing quite a few emails. 
I know he does not get most of mine addressed to “”. 
They get through to “”. 
I am also trying his Yahoo address just to see what happens.
Fantastic news that you are well enough to be responding to emails.
Nigel Boos
Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 11:49
Hi Don,
Thank you for all your good wishes re .my health.
I have already emailed Laz a few days ago approving the Circular (either #943 or 946 - I’ve forgotten which it was), and given him my permission to proceed with it as written.
Thanks for checking with me. That was most thoughtful.
Many blessings to you for this New Year of 2020.
Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 11:10
Hi, Nigel,
Here’s hoping that you are soldiering through the recovery with a degree of comfort, and that 2020 will be a better year for you than 2019 must have been!
Ladislao has a new Circular for posting but it includes yours and your brother’s with details of your operation. 
Some of us have no qualms about our medical details being published, but some do. 
He tells me that he is not sure his enquiry of you whether you approve the publication has gone through to you, since he has not heard back. 
He asks me to try to see if I can contact you with the question. 
Would you prefer him to omit the medical details?
Keep as well as you can.
Dec 31, 2019 at 9:18 AM
Hi Joe,
Thanks so much for continuing to lead this effort; am very proud of you for doing it and for all those who are helping you.
Sharing the year end status of the Team George fund raising effort over the last 2.5 months. 
A time of the year when folks are very appreciative and thankful for the gifts that God has blessed us with. 
Some thoughts:
What is the 2020 fund raising goal?
When and how do we plan to share the funds collected?
Are there any other fund raising activities currently taking place?
How many alums will be supported in 2020?
Will we continue to use the USA $35/alum/month factor = USA $420/alum/year
The $1500 collected so far represents donations made by 8 families; some of whom have contributed 3 times.  
It would be great if the ASAA and those alums receiving the assistance could share a thank you note with the donors to create a personal link. 
I do it every time that I receive a donation but it would be more meaningful and effective coming from the ASAA and/or an alum. 
Developing another idea for 2020 which I will share shortly when it is completed; we can all probably use it among our family and friends.
A Blessed 2020 to all,
Mon, 30 Dec 2019, 04:30
Thanks, Roger,
And to you and yours from all of us as well.
From: Roger De Meillac Sent: Sunday, 29 December 2019 17:15
Thanks for the update wishing all out there a great New year 
Saturday, April 28, 2012 10:52 PM
Dear Mr. Kertesz,
My cousin, Peter Tarr, was an alumni, between 1945 and 1955.
I have lost all contact with the Tarr family, and now live in the US.
Do you have any record of what happened to Peter and his family.  
I do not know if he still lives in Trinidad.   
I do remember he married a Miss Trinidad, and brought her over to England to meet us.
It would be wonderful if you have a contact for him, or any further suggestions or names of friends who may know where he is.
Sandra Tarr
Alex Tary <>
Jan 18 at 6:16 PM
Just received your latest circular and I feel a need to answer with a photo of myself and family. 
From left to right are Dave, my son-in-law, Sandy, my wife, Monica, daughter and Dave’s wife, followed by my grandkids Joseph and Annette, daughter Andrea, and myself on the right. 
Picture was taken two days into the new year, just a few days after my 83rd birthday. 
You could say I am an Old Boy but I term myself a well-pickled old fart.
Our principal location is in northern California, about 230 miles north of San Francisco and maybe about 140 miles south of the Oregon border. 
A great place to live.
25/8/18 16:19 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hola Pablo I did not know that Adolfo has created a new group, but I find it good.
25/8/18 16:20 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: It is logical to unite those that receive relief help , I shall talk to him
25/8/18 16:21 - Ladislao Kertesz: How do you communicate with those that do not have whatsapp?  Are you in contact with Roberto mezzana?
25/8/18 16:21 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: have you spoken to him
25/8/18 16:21 - Ladislao Kertesz: Jesús López?
25/8/18 16:22 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: He is also included. Luis Alfredo Mezzana is also there. No Roberto, no
25/8/18 16:24 - Ladislao Kertesz: The idea is to have all those that receive donations can chat for the common good in the difficult situation we are in. It seems that the lack of information exchange is affecting the recollection of funds.
25/8/18 16:26 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: Whatever, but the aid is coming to an end
25/8/18 16:26 - Ladislao Kertesz: I am informing this as the editor of the Circular. That is right my friend
25/8/18 16:27 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: We are duplicating information...  with 2 groups
25/8/18 16:27 - Ladislao Kertesz: But I do not think that it cannot be reverted
25/8/18 16:29 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: We will wait and see
25/8/18 16:29 - Ladislao Kertesz: Since I did not know that the group existed. I was working to gather información and would include those with simple phones
25/8/18 16:30 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: Get in touch with Adolfo and you 2 sort it out
25/8/18 16:31 - Ladislao Kertesz: So I am scratching my experiment.
25/8/18 16:31 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: You guys are the old old..  boys we are just old
25/8/18 16:32 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: Ok
25/8/18 16:33 - Ladislao Kertesz: I only tried to reach all those in need just like with the circular. Number 877 was sent out today
25/8/18 16:36 - Ladislao Kertesz: I Hope that the bs. soberano  is working out with you.  Your salary just raised by the government..I am old old and with the pension.  Shall see next month. Haha..: Next week Pedro and Isaías are inviting for a lunch Hope you can assist
25/8/18 16:41 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: I guarantee you that in a short time... they are scratching 3 or more zeros
25/8/18 16:43 - Ladislao Kertesz: If he can get some more funds from Trinidad we might weather it.
25/8/18 16:43 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: I am short of money,
25/8/18 16:44 - Ladislao Kertesz: If I can be of help, or the circular, to make an appeal please let me know.
25/8/18 16:45 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: Have to cut expenses
25/8/18 16:47 - Ladislao Kertesz: We must unite and use all efforts for a common cause..I am sure you have and I have things in common that would make our life easier but we must cooperate
25/8/18 16:50 - Ladislao Kertesz: we can talk this over during the future lunch.  Remember that the Metro fare is free.
28/8/18 11:53 - Msbvc Kecskemeti Pablo: Hola Ladislao, llama a Gabriel Hofle 0414-902-5941 old mount boy
28/8/18 11:54 - Ladislao Kertesz: Ok gracias
EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.
20AT1789ATAFAM, Alex Tary and Family
14LK2849FBCDG, Christopher de Gannes
19WK0045WKEGRP. Jimmy Samaroo, Allen Keith and Winston Kerry
19RO0001ROC, Robert O´connell