Saturday, November 28, 2020

Circular No 995


Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 28 November 2020 No. 995


Dear Friends,

Here is the weekly request for funds that I promised to write about in these last issues.

Of course, you can change this, as this is only for the kind-hearted who would like me to continue with the Circular for a new period, let’s say 2021.

I have received many well wishes, acknowledgments, congratulations, medals, diplomas, etc. but what is more essential here in Venezuela, only limited funds to keep the fingers drumming the keyboard from real friends of the Circular.

With the donations of Group George Mickiewicz running out, and ASAA closing down, it is going to make it more difficult to keep on going.

If you are a Santa helper and would like to contribute, please write me.

Just in case I have no response to this plea and I am forced by circumstance to stop, I am sure you can keep in contact with the WEB page by run by Kazim Abasali,

This web page will be the last active written spot for the school, and students left in the internet.


Joseph Habib

Dear members of the Mount. It is deep regret that I have to post this.

A past student (1979) Dave Bob of Tobago, has passed away on Tuesday night - 26th April..

He worked the Ministry of Sports.

I knew him as one of the good guys and fun loving.

I'm going to miss him.

Rest in peace my friend.


BC Pires <>


Sat, Dec 5 at 7:14 AM

Thank God it's Friday - Doubles or Nothing

YOU CAN always tell how crucial a discussion is to Trinidadians by how resolutely they avoid its essence and how quickly they jump to a vigorous dissection of its periphery.

Ask Trinidadians why they’re entirely content with a political system that guarantees fully half the population, by race, feels unrepresented for five years at a time and the best answer you’ll get in near 60 years of so-called Independence is, “We like it so”; an answer provided, by the way, not by several faculties of the University of the West Indies, but by a calypsonian.

Ask the Trinidadian if he isn’t willing to protest the crippling traffic jams that make life miserable every day, twice a day, for everyone, and he will tell you he will make his stand against the insanity by driving with his own headlights on in the daytime.

Let the Minister of Agriculture make the most fundamental and incontrovertible food statement imaginable – that the “national dish” is completely made up of foreign imports – and they will spin away from that rude truth faster than Michael Jackson from Ola Ray in Thriller video. Trinis moonwalk away from any harsh reality and back into a far more entertaining fantasy.

All week, Facebook has exploded over the matter that really doesn’t matter. Buying doubles means you’re supporting cucumber farmers, pepper farmers, chadon beni farmers, what other kind of farmers it have?

The real arguments in defence have been made: German chocolate is the best in the world and you’ll never find a cocoa tree in the Black Forest; Italian coffee ditto, ditto; and if you take something old everyone in the world has had forever and turn it into something new – flour into doubles & the handheld roti, old oil barrels into steel orchestras, a religious festival into the definitive urban street party – it is yours, and it is national.

But those arguments have been made only in the way that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. It’s not the argument that matters in a Trinidadian discussion, nor even the audience, but the gallery.

Doubles is ours and doubles taste great. But, wherever its ingredients come from, what is a doubles, really?

If you want a dispassionate assessment of the national dish, find the Trinidad episode of the late Anthony Bourdain’s Parts Unknown. Watch Anthony hug up Kes, fast-forward past the bumbling revelation of what Comrade Wesley Gibbings calls the “wonpasent”… and study that short scene of Anthony sitting on the bench. “Since I got to Trinidad, everyone’s asked, you tried doubles? You tried doubles? All right, I’m eating firetrucking doubles!”

We don’t talk about what he said about it: that it’s two bits of fried dough with a savoury pea filling and sweet sauces.

Although, admittedly, the last occasion when the whole was greater than the sum of the parts on this level was the Beatles.

Taste level-wise, it’s difficult to attack doubles.

Nutrition value-wise, it’s difficult to defend them.

What doubles says about us, I would venture, is much more than what we say about doubles.

We will fight for days about doubles; we have, this very week.

But what we’re really fighting over is a deep-fried white flour product and some sugary sauces dressing up an ordinary legume; talk about having your finger on the firetrucking pulse.

Doubles taste good because it goes to the worst part of our bodies – those damned, undefeatable fat cells – and it really isn’t very good for us.

But we’ll do it all again next week, when the “discussion” moves on to KFC, every input into and aspect of which, from deep fryer to cardboard box, is foreign.

And we’ll never once ask ourselves what we really should be eating.

Or how we should be producing it.

And whether we should be importing, not channa, but everything.

But it could be worse.

Show the Trinidadian a photograph of a baby crying in her mother’s arms and the Trinidadian leaps, from that image, to what he will see as the big picture, as expressed by our own prime minister: what they see is not a child in danger, but the plain illustration of the impossibility of a nation of 1.3m accommodating 33m Venezuelan gang-leader/members”.

It really is a case of doubles.

Or nothing.


I got a letter from Fr. Cuthbert, asking for contacts with coin collectors in Trinidad.

I only knew Fred Hilderbrand at Fed. Chem., but I believe there is a Numismatic Society in Trinidad.

He reports that the school is down to 80 boys and our old 2nd Mt. St. Benedict is down to 17, almost all Venture Scouts.

The best news is that Abbot Bernard is moving about quite a lot with admirable patience and is into Charismatics.

Fr. Idelfons is still rowing around the island while Bro. Anthony and Bro. Bruno are still actively involved in the Domestics of the Abbey.

Still have not tracked down ARTHUR DU BOULAY, but NOEL DE VERTEUIL in Quebec would certainly like to get hold of him as they worked together at Shell years ago.

Heard MIKE “Donkey Man” KENNY is with Dowell in London but he fails to write.

He never was very good at English Composition!!!


When it is a question of money, everyone is of the same religion.

I got a letter from “Shaves” Ferguson, who continues to propagate the faith through his instruments.

Have been promising to pay him a visit and see Disney World but keep spending all my money.

He can be reached at 205 Lake Gibson Lane, Lakeland, Florida 33805.

He sells TV´s, stereos, VCR´s, computers, etc. for Montgomery Ward.

His daughter, Lissette, has graduated from high school and went on a trip to Hawaii and is now at the University of Florida.

Son, Nicholas, is into scuba diving and Stanley went on a trip with him to Jamaica.

Peter, his brother, is studying for Priesthood and Newton, N.J.

I need his address.


I have not heard from ALBERT KNOWLES in ages, is he still in circulation in Trinidad???

I got a Christmas card from Chris Krogh (with goodies), keeps well and basks in the sunshine around his pool.

His brother , and wife Linda, are on their 8th kid.

Fr. Abbot, would you please have a chat and remind them that we are now operating on Vatican II, and that they are allowed to come up for air.

Don’t have his address and don’t want it, if “this thing” is contagious.

-------------------------------------------------------------- -

LOVE YOUR CHILDREN, it is easier to build a boy, than mend a man. Do the same with girls.


Got a real “Palm Sunday Gospel” from Bernard Lange, c/o The cottage, Mt. St. Benedict, St. Augustine, Trinidad and he writes for the newspaper, the Sunday morning RAP, with his usual elasticity and talent.

He still coaches the Aqua-lads Swimming Team (and Lasses); times sure have changed at the Old Mount.


He has passed on the names of STAN MORA and DEOLAL BEHARRY of the Guardian.

He also mentioned NIGEL GOMES and PETER QUESNEL but not their addresses.

Bernard, I really would like the address of those others you gave me so that I can forward some news. 


I learnt that RICHARD LORENZO is a peace Officer in Toronto.


Spring, with great difficulty, is endeavouring to thaw its way into the Atlantic Region.

I, too, am rushing to clear this backlog of news from my “MUST BE DONE TODAY” file; which has been lying around for the past three months.

Please note that due to financial hardship, bulletins will only be going to regular subscribers and to the news reporters.

All others will just be out of luck.

Hope to hear from you soon.


Bro. Gabriel Mokveld, Architect.

He joined the Monastery in 1913 from Bahia, Brazil.

He was the first NOVICE to be received at the Abbey.

He was born on 31st January 1894.


EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.



08NC1362GRP, Glen Schaefer and Krishna Toolsie

20UN0100MSBEDI, The abbey

20TM2880TMEFAM, Timothy Mew and family




Saturday, November 21, 2020

Circular No 994


Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 21 of November 2020 No. 994


Dear Friends,

Emails and WhatApp chats follow.


2 oct 2020

Azizul Mohammed

Hey Ladislao,

Peter Sammy and I were very close and out of school whenever I was home on weekends we would be hanging out or just going to eat KFC.

We were so close that when I was graduating he offered to drop me to the graduation up the hill and pick me up after and against the wishes of my father I accepted his offer and he did it.

That's how generous he was.

Sometimes on weekends he would come to where I lived in Valsyn and we would go to the park and play cricket or soccer.

WE would spend hours discussing various History topics we had to get done or debate the pro's and con's of the direction the country was going .   

He was so smart his knowledge was so vast that sometimes I believe in class he just stayed quiet or pretend not to know just to be one of the guys, or as we say to be accepted as one of the guys, he was too smart for his time and I used to always tell him that.

One of the things I always remembered about Peter, he hated to say good by , it was always "see you later" and I picked that up from him ,and up to today I never say good by always see you later.

Peter you will be missed terribly and my friend "see you later"

To his family please accept my humblest condolences.


Sun, Sep 13 at 5:56 AM 

Yes, I have received - many thanks.

David Serrao, 1948 year. 


Joseph Habib

2tS8p oAiipdnesrilSaaomlrshei 2ll016d 

Dear members of the Mount.

It is deep regret that I have to post this.

A past student (1979) Dave Bob of Tobago, has passed away on Tuesday night - 26th April 2020..

He worked the Ministry of Sports.

I knew him as one of the good guys and fun loving.

I'm going to miss him.

Rest in peace my friend. 




Hi Nigel et Al

In response to your note below, my humble opinion based on my limited historical knowledge, there has been a TEAM OF SEVERAL LEADERS who have emerged over the last decades since the closing of our beloved school.

I reconnected with the Abbey School around 2007 when I found a reference to the Circulars in Google.

Reflecting on what I have learned since, I see the following as leaders that have contributed to our global alumni in one way or another: 

Val Knaggs – Oasis 

Ladislao Kertesz – Circulars 

Don Mitchell -Blog for Circulars, reunion, and overall contributor 

Nigel Boos – Database, Scouts, Photos, Librarian/Historian and overall contributor 

Joe Berment-McDowald – Past ASSA president, organizer & main fund raiser for our Venezuelan alums-in-need 

Dr Adolfo Aumaitre – courageous transporter of USA $, medicines, goods, etc. to our Venezuelan alums-in-need via a boat trip from Trinidad to Venezuela 

Don Goddard – 2018 Brother Vincent/Lionel Roberts St Petersburg reunion organizer 

Glen McKoy – Cheerleader and overall contributor 

Kazim Abasali – Creator & keeper of the MSB web page, Facebook, current Database and general IT related contributions plus overall contributor 

Father Harold Imamshah – Spiritual Director. 

Many others, unknown to me at this time, have stepped up and led Abbey School-Mount St Benedict related efforts at one point and time.

We recognize them too.

Thank Y’All Very much for your value adding leadership in these accomplishments.

I am very proud and celebrate each one of you.

16/1/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: This is a note coming from: Abbey School Leadership Team  


13 de Enero 2020.

Thank you, George and Nigel, for your contributions.

As Nigel shared, I consider Knight Ladislao as our present leader.

And as Nigel shared King Arthur for his herculean task.

Ladislao is also courageously fighting this battle of survival in this our times as Arthur did in his time.

With what Venezuela is experiencing and Laz efforts it is indeed admirable of him too.

Nigel, I know you are a humble person.

You have contributed a great deal my friend.

What you have done too needs mention and Knighthood.

And Glen for his overall cheer-leading support and keeping the White Stones stories alive.

Don for sharing what Ladislao puts together.

All in all, everyone mentioned by George has paid their dues and is truly loved, admired and appreciated.

Joe, Dr Adolfo, Don Goddard, and so many more

As Don told me in our Trinidad reunion, what we do is a labor of love.

We seek no payment. To God be all the praise and glory.

Finally, I am in the process of writing a report communicating the happenings of my life recently.

Thanks to Ladislao for asking me to contribute.

He works behind the scenes also.

There is a great deal happening at present that I must share with you all.

First and foremost it goes to Ladislao as my yearly submission to him.

Thank you Ladislao for continuing and for keeping us together.

Love you all.

Nigel, we are keeping you in our prayers.

“Empower with Art” - Hearts empowering lives. 



1/18/20 Luongo miguel angel: I'm remembering right now (it's 12:33 a.m.) that it is already January 18 and Winston Cabello Luongo is on his birthday.

Cousin: I wish you a real happy birthday, doing exactly what you like the most, with congratulations from family and friends.

Big hug, with the same affection as always !!!!!!

1/18/20 Kecskemeti Pal: I have problems at home and office with the Internet, that's why I am almost incommunicado

1/18/20 Robleda Santiago: like me two days without internet that pod 

18/1/20 Lopez Jesus: Brothers good afternoon, if for me a pleasure to tell you that I am in the island,  wao all's of you don't imagine  how this country is now

18/1/20 Robleda Santiago: good for you hope you send photos to see the changes enjou it brother

18/1/20 Lopez Jesus: Remember brothers, because all around  they are buildings of concrete gravel sand and cement, I am token this FOTO in a fuel station, and here nobody make a tail to buy gasoline or any fuel, really this it's an easy country have a good economy and the people here look with out problem, like us 20 years ago poor Venezuela, here the store are full of everything and people's could buy all they want 

19/1/20 Lopez Jesus: Good afternoon dear brothers, remember and enjoy, I hope all's of you can come here, and experiment the emotions that this moment went for me the black woman is the daughter of the Mrs, how sold us the Candi's and the ice cream, when we walked to the swimming pool  She is the sister of my daughter´s husband  ... I beg you pardon, because I wrote with mistakes but I very emotional

19/1/20 Robleda Santiago: It brings me memories 50 years I haven"t seen my school although I have pretty bad memory 

1/26/20 Luongo Humberto: 0424 8285184 ... To all my friends and group mates, and especially to the administrator, I inform that I will stop using this number for which I am writing to you and I will start using the one under the heading, that is , 0424 8285184 ... I thank you for, consequently, proceeding from this very moment to eliminate or cancel this number and use the new movistar that I am giving now. I thank you very much for your help and collaboration to be able to be communicated again. ..hug. . Grateful.

1/26/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: I still can't understand why people are so easily manipulated, one passes through the PSUV identification points and there are people like ants. Could it be that the Maduristas are not hungry and needy? That they have everything covered with the bonuses they give you and is that enough to cover all your needs? It is incomprehensible! Good morning brother Humberto, how are you? I have registered 3 of your phone numbers 0416, 0426 and 0424 now, which is the one that you are not going to use anymore?

1/26/20 Luongo Humberto: 0416 4 893234 .... that is, the first one you mention. Please delete it and thank you. It is almost not operational and I cannot pay three rents despite having Wifi at home. Thanks brother. The movistar joins the group, that is, 0424 8285184. Abrazo 

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: Believe all of the trouble in nineteen century an in this twenty had been created for humans

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: No brother, how do you do, when you have an opportunity to speak with him said him I am waiting for his aides Ok brother thanks a lot for your good wishes

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: I spoke with Joe this morning and he told me he was going to call you, have excuse but he missed you phone number  Spoke with Winston this morning too and he will call you during this week

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: By the moment at least we are alive

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: My God protect you all's, but brothers, what difference is here to our country

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: It is different for us that used to study there for a few years

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: You maybe not believe me but here I start to remember all the English that father Bernard tech me

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: Jajajaja

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: Teach

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: You will never forget that because you learned it as you second mother tongue  Jajaja

2/2/20 Lopez Jesus: Yes that is really the truth

2/2/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: I am happy that you are well and enjoying it 

2/14/20 Robleda Santiago: I hope this doesn't happen to you today 2/18/20 Aumaitre Adolfo: This email was sent by our old boys in the USA who help to send the humanitarian aid that reaches you annually. Read it with entertainment and send me answers to what they ask and your suggestions for me, send them your answers, no matter if they are in Spanish Adolfo: Thank you very much, Adolfo. 

I cannot even start to imagine your and the other alums’ personal and family suffering as I read your note. My heart and soul break every day as I follow the news in Venezuela. The situation worsens by the day with no end in sight as the Cubans, Russians, Chinese, Iranians, etc. continue to prop up the Maduro government.

I suspected that those outside Caracas might not be able to get the money via Western Union which you confirmed in your note.

Following up on your note, please let me know:

What manner of transfer in May (per your second note) do you recommend for the $$ to those areas where you and the non-Caracas boys live?

Due to the increase in the cost of food, goods, protein, etc. – what is the approximate amount that the alums need in USA $ per month to get the necessary items if available?

Are there any NGOs or other Christian operations serving your area that we can use to send powder proteins, medicines and other needed but non-available items?

Any other ideas that you all may have to get you the needed assistance will be greatly appreciated.

I feel very helpless in trying to help and solve the terrible situation that you are all in. I pray for you all and Venezuela every day asking Jesus to bring peace and end the suffering.

I am very, very proud and grateful of what you have personally done over the years in your boat trips to Trinidad in leading the assistance effort with courage, perseverance and love.

Un fuerte abrazo,



EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.



15LK8192FBMHOGRP, Michael Howard and UNKNOWN

11KA5013FBKAB, Kazim Abasali

17KA0212FOD, Fr. Odo

58UN0003STFRANCIS, St.Francis marching