Saturday, June 6, 2020

Circular No 970

Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.

Caracas, 6 of June 2020 No. 970


Dear Friends,

Go Tell Everyone - A Brand New Canticle by Nigel Boos & The Assumption Chorale.


Glen Mckoy <>

Wed, May 6 at 8:47 AM

My dear big brother Sir George, 

Thank you for your acknowledgement of such a sensitive situation.

I am here to draw and keep what members we have, we all worked so hard to retained over a 150 members, after more than 20 years now, we cannot rebuild again, we too old. 

I remain a knight, a gentleman and you have my word, whatever I do is of the highest respect to any of my fellow brothers. 

I love you George, I will meet you again. 

May God Bless and keep you and your family in his arms at all times. 

Peace, yours faithfully, Glen.

NOTE from the Circular: There are over 500 contacts kept in the list.

There are many old boys in Canada specially in the East,

The Circular has received and accepted offers from specific old boys in that area, to make the necessary phone calls to trace old boys in Canada, but the offer only stayed as a wishful offer with no teeth to it.


Glen G. McKoy

15 May at 08:05 · 

Yes we want to keep the Circular, circulating. Sir

Ladislao Kertesz & Sir Don Mitchell. keeps it floating, Sir Nigel Boos, the List maker, was very active and had many friends in his age group, however overworked and under paid Sir Nigel, retired, many circles are frozen, when a key member cannot continue due to mostly health.

However we find other from these age group and try to reconnect those circles ha ha confused yet.

The older the bull the harder the horn, Live Long & Prosper, Long Live The Mount.

Cheers The Club.


Gordon Mitchell

I was there from 57 to 64


Glen G. McKoy

 · 13 May at 22:58 · 

Did you know when Castro saw the mount from the airport, he said take me there.

Did you know an American officer was the only person to marry on the Mount.

Did you know when they tested the bomb in Bimini the cloud passed over the mount, there were 4 boys sitting on the roof at the time and they all died from cancer.

Did you know a mount boy was assassinated in Paris.

Did you know the notorious Carlos the terrorist, may have went to the mount for a term or two, and two mount boys were questioned about a boy, by fbi?.

Well if you know? Now you know ha ha.

Welcome to the Club Inner Guards of the Secrets of the Realm - Knights from white stones on top of Mt. Tabor.


Irvin Allum Allum

Happy birthday Gary.

I join You on this day, as it's also My birthday.

God bless and keep You in good health.

We are Oldboys from the Abbey School. Keep together this Club.

Happy birthday, Gary! Enjoy the day. Blessings always.

Happy Birthday GARY, Nice to see you doing Okey.

God bless you with many more celebrations.



Glen G. McKoy

10 May at 07:44

We would like to wish mis hermano y mis amigo, El Knight Ambassador Sir Salvador Coscarart, a wonderful and Happy Birthday y muchas mas hombre.

We are so proud of you and your fight with medical issues and on a steady recovery.

We love you for just being you, but most of all you made a big difference over the years, in connecting and making the Vene/Trini relationship, Blood Hombre, we love you Hermano.

Take it easy ok ha ha jejejeje don't party with Sir Neil. ha ha ha


Glen G. McKoy 

Yes, we want to keep the Circular, circulating.

Sir Ladislao Kertesz & Sir Don Mitchell. keeps it floating, Sir Nigel Boos the List maker, was very active and had many friends in his age group, however overworked and under paid Sir Nigel, retired, many circles are frozen, when a key member cannot continue due to mostly health.

However we find other from these age group and try to reconnect those circles ha ha confused yet.

The older the bull the harder the horn, Live Long & Prosper, Long Live The Mount. Cheers The Club


Glen G. McKoy

Sir Kazim Abasali & Staff. Back To The Circular.

Now I have to check my emails more ha ha,

Got a couple of emails, one from guess who?

The knight from the sky, Knight Editor, the one & only, Sir Ladislao Kertesz.

He said. he did not get a contribution to the Circular from me, since 2017.

I am guilty, I should write something productive, however Sir Kaz, all the new members that joined, they must know the Circulars, the older the better,

So many would write emails for so many years.

However the photos & circulars, they are a history book of Trinidad, from the eagle's eye, the best private boarding school in the British West Indies, ran by Dutch Monks, the era, the setting, a perfect movie, anyhow I am a dreamer ha ha.

We must get all new members to write a few words or so to the circular, like name, time on the mount, where you living now and whatever you feel to say.

Now members want access to the circulars, Sir Kaz. please advise on best way to do this, or to submit their contributions,

I am not a good example 2 yrs since my last one ha ha.

We think we can work smarter; time is of the utmost importance to an ancient tribe.

Think about what you would like to say, if you did say something, what you expected after so many years, what would you like to see on the mount, as a momentum from the Old Boys, a plaque a bench, a statue, whatever to want write, send to the Circular, we as a collective group, I don’t like being alone ha ha .

Thank you for your time, writing n typing is good for the mind ha ha Cheers a Club in progress ha ha


Glen G. McKoy

I met Johnny in 2018, It breaks my heart when I see what life has done to some of my brothers, I silently cry, to see a brother shut off from the world, depression lost of a spouse, we are not normal after boarding school.

Our Alumni never had a Reach Out Program, brothers would do it themselves like Sir Keith Allen, Sir Ian Gomes, Winston Kerry, Sir Winston Ramsahai, Sir Jimmy Samaroo, and many others they would know lots the boys in the north, the would help out many, when they could, and we only saw south boys if they come north.


Neil Charles 

Johnny Garcia is the hero...He got one of the highest medals in T&T for rescuing two people at sea.

Salvador Coscarart  

Yes he did I believe it was in Maracas beach.

Neil Charles

it was either in Chagaramas or Maracas, I can't remember..

Salvador Coscarart 

Good night brothers

Neil Charles 

I never rescued a little girl from Caura, but I rescued Joseph Maryuen from drowning in the river, it was back in 1971, he went into the deep part and was sinking,

It was instinct, I just rushed in, I grabbed him and pulled him into shallow water.

He started to puke up the water that he swallowed.

Glen G. McKoy 

I think it was during Sir Attila Gyuris time that happen??

Ask Sir Tim Healy might remember

Glen G. McKoy 

save the story for the Circular ha ha

Salvador Coscarart 

I think Oscar Cantore was there as well.

Salvador Coscarart 

Write the story about how the boy scout from Mount Rescued a little girl in Caura river while we were bathing.

Glen G. McKoy 

Well a witness to the story should yeah


laszlo Kertesz <>

Thu, May 14 at 8:08 AM

Yes Glen,

you are right, some get old by thinking too much and doing little.

Thanks to George, we have some alms for those in need, he is a doer.

The question for each of us is what have I have done or are doing?

I am satisfied for my two decades of keeping the Circular going.

I got many promises of collaboration and on the long run, and many of those that have promised failed to produce.

Don has done his part with the Blog.

But today after reading Goerge´s email, I have noticed that writers who were supportive are no longer interested in keeping the Circular healthy, you are not one of them.

As Gorge always writes, Do onto them as you would like to be done.

God bless


Glen Mckoy <>

Thu, May 14 at 7:33 PM

Sir Laszlo,

I am here because of the circular, the guys would write we shared so much, however we talking about a much more mature age group at the time,

I am 64 yrs this year aug 9th, but I was 44 then and was a kid amongst you gentlemen ha ha, face book many younger than me, we post all sorts of things or we lose interest easily, I am glad we get a like and know they still alive ha ha, to me the circulars is a book. 

Many on face book never read the circulars, emails is how we contacted all before, we have to marry the circular into face book, post old stuff from the beginning, let the young know the old and the old know the young, I am dreamer, if 10% is possible that will be fine.

Now anything you can think about a list, I will talk to the Abbot one day, then if I set things up, then he will talk to you, we want a wall on the mount ha ha, it would be nice to store our memoirs up there, intrinsic stuff, as we are not connected to the mount in Trinidad anymore, like we were before, I am only thinking of mending that relationship, none of us are bigger than the mount.

So much thanks for you reply, I did not know your situation, I did not expect you to keep up with the circular when everyone is trying to survive in Venezuela, so I was not informed, and then George had to leave Face book, so we were careful since with political posts.

Well we will talk soon God Bless.


Nigel Boos <>

Mon, 25 May, 15:20

So, today is the day that my oncologist got back to me - just 2 hours ago, in fact.

And, because of my desire to keep you in the loop, I’m doing my best to get back to you with the latest news about my health.


After six months of recuperation, and many days of naturopathic treatments, it turns out that there is only 1 lymph node on my left side which currently has grown about 1 cm in size since my last scan.

It’s not big enough nor numerous enough to be concerned at the moment, she says, and therefore she’s scheduled another scan for mid-August, when she’ll have another look, see how I’m progressing and THEN decide on either a focussed radiotherapy procedure or chemo at that point.

I’m thrilled about it and just wanted to share my news with you.

Thanks for your concern everyone, and your prayerful support.



EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.




45UN0012GRP, Maracas Beach


57UN0010GRP, Sent by Roger Ames

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