Saturday, October 10, 2020

Circular No 988


Newsletter for alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I. 

Caracas, 10 of October 2020 No. 988


Dear Friends,

What do you want me to do after issue No. 1000? Please join the brain storming.

From my friend Don Mitchell, I have received the statistics of his Blog site, and these are not very encouraging.

The need of funds to cover the direct expenses to keep the Circular going for the future, is critical since it is being produced in Caracas Venezuela.

I am sure you agree that those of us who have made the possibility of this Newsletter, are at a crossroads.

Outside your good will for us to continue, I need a show of force and backing us with your subscription to cover the efforts of keeping the weekly format.


Nigel Grosvenor

Trinidad and Tobago football lost an icon today with the passing of former St Anthony's College coach Nigel Grosvenor at the age of 63.

Grosvenor was at the Couva Hospital for the past few weeks being treated for covid-19.

Grovy as he was known was a past footballer and student of Trinity College, Moka.

A post on St Anthony's College website stated that he obtained a Bachelor of Science in Physical Education while on a football scholarship at West Virginia University...

Upon returning to Trinidad, he taught PE at St. Benedict's College before coming to St. Anthony's to teach and to coach in September 1983.

Grosvenor won five national InterCol and two national league titles with the Tigers in 34 years of coaching.

Many stand-out players such as Carlos Edwards, Sean Copper and Michael McComie passed through his ranks.

The veteran coach also had a three-year spell on the bench with QRC that ended last year.

One former standout Kenwyne Jones spoke of the impact of Grosvenor on his life.

Jones said his relationship evolved over the years since he arrived as a Form 1 student at St Anthony's.


From Leonardo Chacin, Thank God he has recovered and has a Radio program installed in the island of Margarita.

Monday to Friday from 5pm to 6 pm, Venezuelan time  (9:00 to 10:00 UTC)


Conversation between Leonardo Chacin and Ladislao

16/1/20 18:53 - Ladislao Kertesz: Buenas noches a todos mis contactos y amigos de Whatsapp. Desde hace 12 días me encuentro hospitalizado en el ambulatorio de Salamanca a causa de una obstrucción pulmonar crónica en grado de descompensación severa que me mantendrá en cama al menos por 2 meses siguiendo el tratamiento adecuado. Lamentablemente, y principalmente por la situación país, hasta el momento no se han podido conseguir los aparatos necesarios para cumplir con el tratamiento de oxigenoterapia imprescindible para mi recuperación. Requiero de una bombona de oxígeno y un aparato concentrador del mismo para cumplir con mi tratamiento. Protección Civil se ofreció amablemente a suministrar la bombona pero cuando se pasó a recogerla para su llenado esta estaba dañada y no se hay otra para sustituirla. Igualmente el aparato concentrador de oxígeno no se ha podido conseguir a pesar de los esfuerzos hechos hasta ahora. Hay la posibilidad de alquilar dichos equipos, pero mis posibilidades económicas no me lo permiten en estos momentos, especialmente por verme imposibilitado a trabajar como siempre lo he hecho, por otro lado lo elevado de los costos de alquiler o compra de los mismos es otro problema para mi. Confío en que entre mis amistades se pueda canalizar algún tipo de ayuda que me permita conseguir estos equipos que me ayuden a recuperar lo antes posible mi salud para así continuar haciendo lo que he hecho toda mi vida, alegrarles un poco la vida a través de mi música. Que Dios y nuestra Virgencita del Valle me los bendiga

16/1/20 18:56 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hi Joe,. This guy is Leonardo Chacin.  He is in difficulty, an old boy.  I shall translate this and send it out. Tell me where it is more convenient to send it.

16/1/20 19:06 - Ladislao Kertesz: Good evening to all my contacts and WhatsApp friends. I am Leonardo Chacin, mount old boy 1974 For 12 days I have been hospitalized in the Salamanca outpatient clinic because of a chronic pulmonary obstruction in the degree of severe decompensation that will keep me in bed for at least 2 months following the appropriate treatment. Unfortunately, and mainly because of the country situation, so far the devices necessary to comply with the oxygen therapy treatment essential for my recovery have not been achieved. I require an oxygen bottle and a concentrator device to comply with my treatment. Civil Protection kindly offered to supply the bottle but when it was picked up for filling it was damaged and there is no other to replace it. Likewise, the oxygen concentrating device could not be achieved despite the efforts made so far. There is the possibility of renting such equipment, but my economic possibilities do not allow me at this time, especially for being unable to work as I have always done, on the other hand the high cost of renting or buying them is another problem for me. I trust that among my friends some kind of help can be channelled that will allow me to get these equipment that will help me recover my health as soon as possible so that I can continue doing what I have done all my life, make my life a little easier through my music. May God and our Virgin of the Valley bless me,

16/1/20 19:07 - Ladislao Kertesz: I shall check on this this evening

16/1/20 19:16 - Msbtt Berment Joseph: If it is legitimate, he can be assured of my assistance.

16/1/20 19:28 - Ladislao Kertesz: Tomorrow Carlos Maneiro is going to visit him. Mainwhile I am contacting the old boys in Margarita island

16/1/20 21:41 - Msbtt Berment Joseph: Keep me in the loop. Thanks for the communications

18/1/20 13:20 - Ladislao Kertesz: Brothers good afternoon, if for me a pleasure to tell you that I am in the island, we all's of you don't imagine how this country is now.


Conversation between Joseph Habib and Ladislao

23/11/19 13:05 - Los mensajes y las llamadas están cifrados de extremo a extremo. Nadie fuera de este chat, ni siquiera WhatsApp, puede leerlos ni escucharlos. Toca para obtener más información.

23/11/19 15:12 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Will do. Jimmy Samaroo. Keith Allen and unknown. For now.

25/12/19 09:04 - Ladislao Kertesz: Have a Nice Christmas day,. Hope You recover from last night’s dinner and Friends, haha

25/12/19 09:16 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Thank you for the blessing. I stayed home and had fun with my family. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Wishing you all the best in the new year.

1/1/20 16:56 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hi brother, hope You survived the festivities and that You Will have a little time set aside this year 2020 so I may include your short essay in the circular. Every day we have less known members and I am worried that the circular is losing writers, life is short. God bless You, Circular issue no. 1000 is nigh.

1/1/20 22:24 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: I survived 2019. 2020 will be a breeze. Life is funny in so many ways. I enjoy reading your articles and I realise that it includes the older mount boys. The younger guys are truly not interested in anything I try to organize.  I will try again with them and see who's interested.

16/1/20 15:45 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hi Joe,. I know how difficult it is to group Friends. Maybe when one of the classmates visit from Canadá or USA. How about writing about an adventure at the mount.?? When can i call You?

16/1/20 19:28 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: See what I can do.  It's been 40 years since last I left the mount.

14/4/20 10:42 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hi Joseph, Who is Rubén Richards? Did he go to the Mount?

14/4/20 14:23 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Ruben Richards went to Mount from 1976-1979. He's from the beautiful island of Antigua. I believed his father was in the government.

14/4/20 14:27 - Ladislao Kertesz: Ok Joseph i shall put him in the list. Do you his email or celular?

14/4/20 14:48 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: If you go to my Facebook page, he's in there. Maybe you can sent a friend request or a message to him and get more info.

14/4/20 16:21 - Ladislao Kertesz: Thanks You Joseph. Nobody should be left out. I AM going to send out no. 961 to those that are collaborating to keep the circular going. Need your help with a subscription, Ladislao. Hi Joseph, Ruperto beddoe speaks of a Big " Joseph habib" classmates of Peter beddoe. And small habib who was his classmate. Can you clarify?. Ladislao

26/4/20 18:26 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: My brother, John Habib, was in Peter's class and I was in Ruperto's class. My brother left Abbey in 1976.

26/4/20 18:41 - Ladislao Kertesz: So John would have graduated  form V 1978 at mount if he had not left Mount in form III. And you did GCE and graduated in 1980 , Ruperto told me that he left in form IV 1979?

I am trying to place missing names.

26/4/20 19:48 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Yes I left mount in 1980, but I repeated form 4 in 1979. Personal problems. You said you are trying to place missing names? Do not understand?

26/4/20 19:56 - Ladislao Kertesz: I have photos class photos without names. I have just finished class 1981. So i took class 1980 as a challenge. Of course first i must place the correct date to class

26/4/20 20:01 - Ladislao Kertesz: Since you were in two form IV class i shall place you in 1980. But You can help me with the 1979 class

26/4/20 21:14 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: I will try to help you as much as I can. Do you have a class photo of 1979 and 1980?

30/4/20 09:34 - Ladislao Kertesz: Hi Joseph. Who is Nadim? Did he go yo our School.

30/4/20 10:16 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Morning, not sure of the name. Maybe I might have known by a nickname. What year are we looking at? I will try and ask around but the guys will ask for a little more info.

30/4/20 11:05 - Ladislao Kertesz: In the conversation there is a Aarón Manzano 868 279 0569 mentioning Nadim 868 681 9448 Ok. I will work on it and get back to you.

16/5/20 14:24 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: Hello my friend. Can I get your email address. Have something for you.

16/5/20 14:26 - Ladislao Kertesz: Ok Joseph,

Keep well

16/5/20 14:35 - Msbtt Habib Joseph: You got mail.

16/5/20 14:39 - Ladislao Kertesz: Yes shall check My archives 


Conversation Valmiki and Ladislao

10 Apr 2020, 18:49


25 weeks ago

No...sorry to say that i did not race with John...

But i do know quite a bit of abbey boys through scouting..

My dad was SK Fr Cuthbert was well known to us...

Dear Valmiki, I would like to know if you went to the Abbey School in Mt.St. Benedict. John Gioannetti mentioned that you raced with him at Wallerfield.. I am the editor of the Abbey School newsletter. God bless Ladislao


Conversation Damian Ali and Ladislao

21/4/20 16:06 - Ladislao Kertesz: Can You confirm that this class graduated in 1981?  When was the photo taken?

21/4/20 16:26 - Msbtt Ali Damian: 21 is Vitra Chanka 4. Anthony De Matas

21/4/20 16:27 - Ladislao Kertesz: Robert bates confirmed that he is no. 18 and that it is a picture taken in 1979 form 3

21/4/20 16:28 - Msbtt Ali Damian: 24. Hayden Valentine have been taken in '79 (not sure) but graduating class of 80-81 of that I'm sure

21/4/20 16:35 - Ladislao Kertesz: July 1981. Thanks Once i finish i shall send it to you by email, Can You write a couple of lines about your friends in the picture? The circular is in need for articles and funds.  Hi Damian, how are You? Can You tell me more about Nigel?

Did each house have a private coach? In my time there were no coaches. It was autolearning by booklets. 1955 to 1960. Did You read the last circular 984? Ladislao

25/9/20 12:31 - Msbtt Ali Damian: Buenas tardes hermano. Sabía de él, pero no lo conocía específicamente.  Quizás Aaron Bacchus sea el mejor de nosotros para hablar de él. Please don't laugh to hard... Tried a little Spanish there....  Hope that the message is received.  If not this is what I wanted to say..Good afternoon my brother. I knew of him yet didn't specifically know him. Perhaps Aaron Bacchus would be the best one of us to speak about him.

25/9/20 12:48 - Ladislao Kertesz: It is very good,. Your Spanish.

I contacted Aaron all ready, He sent me a photo, But You are a more prolific writer.

25/9/20 12:51 - Msbtt Ali Damian: Why thank you Sir...

I truly wished I knew enough about him yet suffice it to be so, I don't... I'm trying to get some history from Paul Gillian...

25/9/20 19:30 - Ladislao Kertesz: Can You write the result of your inquiry?

25/9/20 19:44 - Msbtt Ali Damian: The guy said that he'll see if he can put together something. If I do get the info I'll let you know

25/9/20 19:49 - Ladislao Kertesz: Thanks My friend

25/9/20 20:26 - Msbtt Ali Damian: Most welcome.

10/10/20 10:34 - Msbu Azizul Mohammed: 4-Deodath Ramroop and 16- I really do not remember his name I know who it is though I believe it’s One of the Choo Chungs can u ask Poggy I remember they were close

10/10/20 10:42 - Ladislao Kertesz: Thanks you Azizul.

Please pray for us here in Caracas

10/10/20 12:42 - Ladislao Kertesz: Some Say that these graduated Form V in 1972? Or later?

10/10/20 13:32 - Msbu Azizul Mohammed: 19 was Dave Ramcharran his father was a Dentist in Tunapuna and his parents and mine used to hang out together

10/10/20 14:22 - Ladislao Kertesz: Choo Kong Gerald? Or Roland?


EDITED by Ladislao Kertesz,,  if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include.



11LK1401FBAHAWFE, Allan Harris and wife

58RB0003c1, UNKNOWNS


14LK0111FBMSBEDI, First Church






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